

  • 5
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 河北省 保定 莲池区 百楼乡 河北省保定市莲池区白楼乡
  • 姓名: 冉经理
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定


    河北隔离墩钢模具 建信模具

  • 所属行业:加工 机械加工 模具制造
  • 发布日期:2021-12-14
  • 阅读量:311
  • 价格:1200.00 元/个 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:999.00 个
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:河北保定莲池区百楼乡  
  • 关键词:隔离墩模具

    河北隔离墩钢模具 建信模具详细内容

    隔离墩模具在生产的时候需要注意很多问题。水泥隔离墩模具定做   混凝土隔离墩钢模具,高速隔离带模具在工作过程中处于反复加热和冷却的状态,使型腔表面受拉、压力变应力的作用,引起表面皲裂和剥落,摩擦力,阻碍塑性变形,降低了尺寸精度,从而导致模具失效。
    The design rules of isolation pier steel die are an important guarantee to ensure the use effect of isolation pier steel die. As an important part of the steel mold of the isolation pier, the position of the module is very important. Steel formwork of concrete isolation pier
    The utility model has the advantages of reasonable design structure, small wind, no snow, simple installation, beautiful and economical appearance, and greatly reduces the maintenance cost compared with the traditional anti dazzle facilities. The surface color shall be uniform, and the edge shall be smooth without burr and flash.
    Many problems need to be paid attention to in the production of isolation pier die. The concrete isolation pier steel mold is customized for the cement isolation pier mold, and the high-speed isolation belt mold is in the state of repeated heating and cooling during the working process, so as to make the mold cavity
    Under the action of surface tension and pressure variable stress, the surface chaps and flakes, friction, hinders plastic deformation, reduces dimensional accuracy, and leads to die failure.

    欢迎来到保定建信模具制造有限公司网站, 具体地址是河北省保定莲池区河北省保定市莲池区白楼乡,联系人是冉经理。 主要经营加工相关产品。 单位注册资金未知。 我们公司在加工业内一直都是*,业绩好,主营的模具制造,塑料制品,隔离墩模具等都经过了专业机构的认证和众多客户的**,真正的值得信赖!